Persistent urogenital sinus with recto-vaginal fistula: the new variant in which the anus is normally positioned and literature review



Persistent urogenital sinus is a rare cloacal anomaly in which the urinary and genital tracts cannot be differentiated during embryonic development. However, the presence of concomitant recto-urogenital sinus or recto-vaginal fistula is much rarer. In the literature, only two cases with accompanying fistula have been presented so far.
Case presentation
We present the diagnosis and treatment management of a persistent urogenital sinus case with recto-vaginal fistula. We also aimed to reveal the difference between our patient, who is the 3rd case in the literature, and the other two and the described cloacal anomalies. By performing total urogenital sinus mobilization and fistula repair, the three systems were separated from each other, and both a functional and cosmetic appearance was obtained.
It should be kept in mind that there may be different variants other than the defined cloacal malformations. In patients with cloacal malformation, cystoscopy and rectoscopy should be performed to reveal the anatomy before reconstructive surgery in order to avoid any unexpected situation.
