Congenital granular cell tumor in a neonate—a case report



Congenital granular cell tumor (CGCT) is a rare benign soft tissue tumor of the new born. It is also called congenital epulis.
Case presentation
We report the case of a 3-day-old male neonate who was postnatally noted to have a 2-cm mass over the maxillary alveolar ridge in the midline. The mass was causing feeding difficulties, and hence, decision for surgical excision was taken. The postoperative recovery was uneventful.
Congenital granular cell tumor (CGCT) is commonly seen on the gingival margins of the maxilla or mandible. Large tumors may cause polyhydramnios in the antenatal period or feeding and respiratory difficulties in the postnatal period. Diagnosis is usually confirmed by histopathology. Malignant change or recurrence has not been reported following incomplete excision of this mass.
