Rare benign tumor in a prepubescent accessory breast: a case report



Polymastia or accessory breast is a congenital condition seen in 1% of the population at birth and in 2–6% of the female population. The most common presentation is in the pubertal age group when secondary sexual characters begin to develop or during pregnancy and lactation. Giant cell fibroblastoma is an exceedingly rare benign soft tissue neoplasm in the pediatric age group, usually seen over the back and thigh. We report a case of giant cell fibroblastoma in accessory breast tissue in a 4-year-old, female child. This case is rare in its presentation at the age of 4 years with an enlarging accessory breast without any secondary sexual characters. Giant cell fibroblastoma in the accessory breast tissue is unreported yet.
Case presentation
A 4-year-old female child presented with a progressively enlarging accessory breast. A wide local excision of the accessory breast with underlying growth was done. The histopathological examination revealed a giant cell fibroblastoma within the breast tissue.
Enlargement of an accessory or normal breast at a prepubescent age with the absence of secondary sexual characters should arouse suspicion of benign tumors in the breast tissue.
